

You know, people are always saying
if you love something,

you have to learn to let it go.

I thought that was such bullshit.
Till I watched you almost die.
In that moment, Stella,
nothing mattered to me.
Except you.

I'm sorry.
I don't wanna go.
All I want is to be with you.
I can't.
I need you to be safe.
from me.

I don't know what comes next,
but I don't regret any of this.

Could you close your eyes?
I just don't know if I can walk away
if you're still looking at me.


I love you.
so much.


Human touch
Our first form of communication.
Safety, security, comfortو
all in the gentle caress of a finger
Or at the brush of lips on a soft cheek
It connects us when we're happy.
bolsters us
in times of fear
excites us in times of passion.
and love.
We need that touch from the one we love
almost as much as we need air to breathe.
>But I never understood
the importance of touch
his touch.
until I couldn't have it.

So, if you're watching this,
and you're able,
touch him.
Touch her.
Life's too short to waste a second.


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Kathy نکات روابط زناشویی Dianna اکلیا | Eklia منو این همه ديزاينستان باران صدا اشتباهی که پیش آمده خرید اینترنتی تظمینی|اموزش کار با گوشی اندروید در اصفهان